Apr 11 , 2019
Pre-2017 awards
Since the launch of La Bandiera Olive Oil in 2012, we have consistently won an amazing array of awards from the most prestigious of places!
The Great Taste Awards are considered to be the world’s most coveted food awards and celebrate the very best in food and drink. Great Taste is widely acknowledged as the most respected food accreditation scheme for artisan and speciality food producers. As well as a badge of honour, the unmistakeable black and gold Great Taste label is a signpost to a wonderful tasting product, which has been discovered through hours and hours of blind-tasting by hundreds of judges.
La Bandiera has won a Great Taste Award in 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2016; as a small producer, this recognition has increased the awareness of our olive oil throughout the UK in what is a very competitive industry.
Consumers around the world are learning to appreciate the difference between a premium EVO compared to a low price, low quality olive oil. There is a desire to become better educated about the various brands and varieties, and organisations such as the New York International Olive Oil Competition (NYIOOC) have been vital to helping consumers understand what makes a fantastic extra-virgin olive oil.
The NYIOOC holds an annual tasting competition and La Bandiera Olive Oil has done incredibly well over the years; in 2013, La Bandiera Olive Oil won a Gold medal!
In 2016 we were invited to enter again, where a total of 653 olive oils from 22 countries were entered in the event and ranked in a blind tasting by a panel of judges who are academics or experts in the industry. From this, only 17 oils were entered into the “Best in Class” category, one of which was La Bandiera Olive Oil!